Gatherings & Activities


Crafting Comfort: The Therapeutic Benefits of Quilting

The Tea Finding a fun and relaxing hobby can help you unwind after a stressful day — and when we’re lost in today’s fast-paced life,…

DIY Spa Day: How to Create a Blissful Retreat in Your Own Home

The Tea Who says you need to spare time (and money) to visit a fancy spa for relaxation? With some simple ingredients and a sprinkle…

Level Up Your Game Night: Tips for the Ultimate Setup at Home

The Tea If you’re looking for an excuse to gather friends and family to spend quality time together, consider conducting a game night! While experiencing…

Sow, Share & Grow: How To Organize A ‘Buy Nothing’ Gardening Gathering

The Tea There’s something profoundly therapeutic about getting your hands dirty in soil. While giving us a break from the fast-paced life of the current…

The Art of Sharing: How To Organize A ‘Buy Nothing’ Gathering That Redefines Your Community

The Tea As people become more and more aware of their (rather harmful) impact on the environment, new movements are on the rise — and…

Nurturing Hobbies for Fulfilment: 5 Ideas For Introducing New Hobbies To Your Life

The Tea In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves so caught up in our jam-packed schedules that we eventually disconnect from our passions. Whether…

How To Plan The Perfect At Home Marriage Proposal

The Tea Marriage is one of the most special journeys one can have in life. But there is something that I find even more special…