The Tea
In real life, when faced with tragedy, we behave in one of two ways. Either we lose hope and fall into the grip of bad habits, or we strive to find the spiritual strength within us.
The Quick Brew
The journey of two of the world’s most impactful spiritual leaders will leave you mesmerized by the impressive end they reach.
The Quick Stir
In April 2015, Archbishop Tutu traveled to the Dalai Lama’s home in Dharamsala, India to celebrate His Holiness’s eightieth birthday, and to create something they hoped would be a gift for others. Together they looked back over their long lives to answer one striking question: how do we find joy in the face of life’s inevitable suffering?
“the three factors that seem to have the greatest influence on increasing our happiness are our ability to reframe our situation more positively, our ability to experience gratitude, and our choice to be kind and generous.”
― Dalai Lama XIV, The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
Finishing a week full of laughter but also punctuated with tears, they analyzed the hopelessness of the period and of life. They told each other intimate stories, shared their spiritual practices, and revealed how to live a life full of joy. “The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” offers us a rare opportunity to experience their amazing and unique week together, from the first hug to the final goodbye.
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. I felt fear more times than I can remember, but i hid it, a mask of boldness. The brave man is not to he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ~
Archbishop Desmond Tutu,The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
While these two names convey their thoughts to the world, they also tell us once again that we can face everything when we reveal the compassion within us. According to them; we can only find the happiness and tranquillity we all seek by showing understanding and compassion to each other. Believer or non-believer, anyone who is responsible can have a good heart.
“Much depends on your attitude. If you are filled with negative judgment and anger, then you will feel separate from other people. You will feel lonely. But if you have an open heart and are filled with trust and friendship, even if you are physically alone, even living a hermit’s life, you will never feel lonely.”
The Quick Pour
This book will show you how to sprout the peace within you. You will analyze your individual passion in the search of others, and perhaps you will become a beacon of social awakening.
The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
2016 Edition
Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams
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We are dedicated to celebrating all of the amazing and beautiful cultures from around the world. We have curated each book in our H360 Book Picks to show an authentic and comprehensive view of different journeys & lifestyles in our global cultures. We are pleased to highlight fresh perspectives that transcend certain preconceived concepts about who we all can be. Each of our H360 Book Picks has been selected to nourish your alignment.
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