Family & Roots


Parenting on Empty: Uncovering the Mind & Body Impact of Parental Burnout 

The Tea The journey of parenthood, while rewarding and beautiful, is also one that comes with immense responsibility and can sometimes lead to parental burnout.…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Alternative Trying & Planning Journey

The trying and expecting journey doesn’t look the same for everyone. It comes with experiences beyond our control, which are often encountered alone. When you…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Traditional Trying & Expecting Journey

We all know that the trying & expecting journey is one of the most exciting periods of a family’s life. Moms-to-be are showered with affection…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Early Childhood Parent Life Journey

In some ways, the early childhood parent life journey feels like a breeze after the demanding newborn and toddler years. You might be able to…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Toddler Parent Life Journey

The toddler parent life journey is an unforgettable experience. You’re filled with pride as you watch your child grow, reach new milestones, and develop their…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Newborn Parent Life Journey

The journey into parenthood is an incredible experience. You’re filled with a kind of love you didn’t even realize was possible as you bond with…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Teen Parent Life Journey

Entering the teenage phase marks a significant shift for both you and your child. They’re growing into adults, retaining their youthful curiosity while asserting more…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Tween Parent Life Journey

For High Achieving parents, the tween phase might feel like the calm before the storm that is the teenage years. Your baby is still your…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Big Kid Parent Life Journey

As a High Achiever, entering your big kid parent life journey can bring a sense of liberation after the whirlwind of early years. Now that…

The Unspoken Conversations About The Grandparent Life Journey

Becoming a grandparent is a wonderful and fulfilling new adventure for any High Achiever. It’s incredible to witness a new generation in your family. And…